Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Can you say "choke"?

So there we were, up 4 to 3 in the 6th when I left Nando's. I walk into Molly's and guess what? We're DOWN 10-4 in the middle of the 8th! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Well, it turns out that Micah Owings walked 'em loaded, gave up 2 RBI's, then got tattooed with a grand slam! Needless to say, I was none too pleased. We pulled off a 3 run homer in the 8th, but didn't follow it up in the 9th so we still lost. Sad. Anyway, that's all. Enjoy!


o said...

how come you went to nandos without me? im jealous. and ya, micah owings is sexy, but not sexy enough to blow a ball game. what a jerk.

Anonymous said...

well my brotha from another motha..i heart u big timeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

kyle i love u but my dear....i am still in cali..... till the 4th THEN we will go out!!!